Monday, November 8, 2010

Why Not.......Everyone Else Does It

After reading countless musings on hundreds of topics it just seemed like the time was right to inflict my random thoughts and views on unsuspecting blog-o-philes. No real agenda, just my thoughts (and hopefully yours as well) on whatever topic seems to move the needle on any given day.

Luckily, I'll try to stick with what I the list will be by necessity pretty darn short. Motorcycles, politics, guns (I see the face your making), DLS football, and stuff that just needs to be called out.

Honestly, the whole thing seems a bit family doesn't even care what I think, so why in the hell should you? Drum shouldn't. But maybe, every once and a while, we'll strike a common cord, one of those, ".....yeah, that really frosts my preserves too!" moment, and something interesting will happen. Or not.

At any rate, release the hounds and let the hunt begin..............

Posted by Hank Desjardins, copyright Chrome Asylum Productions

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